In This Free Workshop, You Will Discover:
The secret to finally create your first 6-Figure year, without having to grind away on your phone and miss time with family and friends!
The most critical HIDDEN mindset that sabotages your success.. and how to avoid that!
How to switch from shrinking your goals to match smaller belief, and instead build BIG belief and set BIG goals! (that you are EXCITED to pursue!)

Briana McAuliffe, Personal Trainer
"I've always looked on social media and seen others living their best lives and giving excuses as to why I can't. Now, I'm building a personal training studio in my basement and will be seeing clients one-on-one.
If you are stuck in your business, if you are stuck in your life, if you are just living your everyday life, over and over and over again on repeat, join Kathi's programs, you won't regret it!"

Julie Koster, CEO, The Bodhi Project
"Years of self-doubt and feeling-stuck-ness are no match for Kathi Reuter's super uplifting courses!!
I joined in a time of huge self doubt and struggle, trying to decide my path forward after the pandemic flipped all of our world on its head. I am so glad I did!
I came out feeling stronger and more self-aware than ever!"

Jennifer Leedy
"Being part of Kathi's program is AMAZING! The content was exactly what I needed. Connecting with others in similar situations and applying strategies is helping me get over my fears and negative thoughts. I cannot say enough about what her programs have helped me to overcome!"