Hey, my friend, what is up? And welcome back to another episode of Do Life Big. I am so excited to have you here today. Thanks for tuning in. Today's episode is going to be all about the fact that there's no such thing as an overnight success. And this episode was inspired by the fact that my son, Landon, who is going to be 13 in a few months, he wants to be a rapper. He really wants to create his own music, his own rap, and he's been doing it, and he's created his YouTube channel, LLLirium, by the way, in case you want to check it out and subscribe. And for the first time ever, he actually went to a live recording studio the other night. My husband took him, and it was absolutely incredible. This whole experience for him going there, he had all of his lyrics. He had downloaded a free beat that you can get right off of YouTube completely for free to go with his music. And the guy there in the recording studio was absolutely amazing. It made Landon's song seriously sound like something that you would hear on the radio. It sounds so good. And I remember he came home and he uploaded it onto YouTube, and last night, he was a little bit disappointed for a second, because he was like, you know, I don't really have that many views. Not many people have even liked it. And I, you know, we went there and we paid all this money, and we had it done professionally, and all this other stuff. And I told him exactly what I'm going to talk to you about today, which is the fact that there's no such thing as an overnight success, that nothing happens overnight and that it's slow and steady wins the race.
And so today we're talking about this myth that so many people buy into. And it's this idea of the overnight success. You know, the story is that they make it seem like someone just woke up one day and they did a little bit of work and then, boom, this crazy, wild success, all of a sudden surround them, right? But I'm here to tell you that that is not real. Success isn't magic. It's something that's built, and it can be challenging sometimes, because we live in a world that loves instant gratification. You know what I'm talking about, what you want, when you want it. You want it right now. You don't want to wait. You don't want to work for it. You don't want to save the money for it. I mean, we live in this world, it's just instant gratification with anything that you want. And so, we see someone online making six figures, selling out their program, crushing it in business. And then we assume that they must have had some kind of secret shortcut to the top right. But what we don't see is we don't see the years of the work behind the scenes. We don't see the late nights. We don't see the early mornings. We don't see the failures. We don't see the pivots and the moments where they actually wanted to quit.
And I think back to when I started my very first business, not knowing anything about it, and you'll hear me say, Oh, yes, you know, I built a six figure business in part time hours in under a year while staying home raising my little kids. And I did it while they were sleeping, right? And it's like, sounds nice, doesn't it? Like, oh, that's pretty cool. A six-figure business on part time hours, like, Wow. You could just stay at home and raise your kids, but what you didn't see was all the nights that I would put the kids to bed and instead of sitting on the couch watching Netflix all night long, even though I was tired, you didn't see those nights where I had to show up at my kitchen counter with my laptop out, where I worked from eight to midnight every single night, sometimes even one o'clock in. The morning to build that business so people don't see that. They don't see what goes on behind the scenes. You know, you see all the accolades and you see all the shiny things, and you see people at the finish line, but you don't see any of that. And it's so much easier for people to just not show up and put in that work and just go out and goof off and go to parties and stay up and watch the movies and scroll social media aimlessly than it is to actually be disciplined and sit down and do the things that need to build your business to move it forward. But without doing that, you've got nothing, nothing will be built. And so, you know, think about people like Oprah and even like Elon Musk or maybe even your favorite entrepreneur or influencer on social media, for example, if you really dig into their stories and you really get down into it with them, you're gonna find years of struggle, years of learning and years of persistence.
So, the reality of success is that success is kind of it's just like an iceberg, right? I don't know if you've ever seen that diagram where it literally shows the iceberg, and all you see is like the tip of it, but you don't see anything below it, and below the surface is everything that got them actually there. You don't see the 1000s of hours of practice and study and skill building and training and learning that they had to go through. You don't see the times they failed and then had to start over again, the times that they second guessed themselves, the times that they thought that this might not work. Should I just throw in the towel, or should I just quit the investments that they had to make in themselves, in their learning, in coaching or trying things that didn't even work for them, just endless efforts of trying things. Get it out there. Let's try it. Let's see if it works. Nope, didn't work. And this applies to everything in life. It applies to business, it applies to fitness, it applies to relationships. Anything worth having is going to require you showing up and putting in that not so sexy work behind the scenes, the boring, mundane work that is the stuff that's going to change your life. And so how can you build your own overnight success, right?
So, if overnight success isn't even real, then what's the secret to this? What really is the secret to success? And I'll tell you what it is. It's consistency. It's having patience. It's keeping your vision and a willingness to keep moving forward and keep going even when it feels like nothing is working or nothing is changing. And I'm going to give you three things to focus on so that you can start to build your overnight success. And the first tip is this, you've got to commit to the long game. You've got to stop expecting the results to happen overnight, right? Where do you see yourself a year from now, five years from now, 10 years from now, that type of long-term game, you can't expect anything to happen overnight. It just simply isn't true. Instead, ask yourself, what can I do today that my future self is going to thank me for? What can I do today that can move me just a little bit closer to where I want to go?
The second tip is this, be okay failing forward. You know, this is one of the things that really tripped me up in my journey. I thought for some reason I was going to be able to avoid the failures. I thought I was going to be able to avoid the roadblocks in business. I don't know. Maybe it was because I didn't have any experience running a business. Maybe it was because I had such fast success and I felt unstoppable when I started my very first business, you know, 13 years ago, but I didn't think it was going to happen. And when it did happen, as it does to every single person that you see it see crushing it in their business and in life, they have failed and failed and failed time and time and time again. But the difference was this, when I failed back in the day, I let that failure define me, and I made it mean that I was the failure. I started telling myself this bullshit story like, oh, well, you know what? Your income is plateaued now, and you're killing yourself and working your ass off, and nothing is changing. You know what? You're probably just not meant to do this anymore. You're probably not meant to go as far as you had hoped to with this business, and I started operating from that fear and self-doubt and let all my limiting beliefs get in my way. And it kept me there for two and a half years, until I learned how to rewire my mind for success and break through that. And it totally sucked. I didn't realize that failing was the most important teacher in business, and you can apply this in any area of your life, but that without those failures, I wasn't going to grow and I wasn't going to learn the lessons that I needed to learn to grow into the entrepreneur who I am today. And so you've got to truly embrace those failures. And know that it doesn't mean that you're a failure. And really, truly believe that those failures are there to teach you lessons. And every time that shit doesn't go right in your business, constantly stepping back and looking and saying, all right, what is this here to teach me? What can I learn from this? There's something here. There's a lesson here that I need to learn, and I'm not going to be able to move past this until I learned that lesson. So remember that fail it forward. Every single mistake is a lesson. The only difference between those who succeed and those who don't is that the successful ones, they didn't let the failure stop them, and that's what most people do. Most people, they hit a roadblock. They hit a little bump in the road. Things get a little hard. They get a little challenged, and you know what? They say, forget it. I'm gonna give up. I'm gonna this isn't meant for me. I'll find another job, I'll find another business, I'll find another relationship, and the list goes on and on. So be okay, failing forward.
The third tip is to stay in your lane, stay in your own lane. And by that, what I mean is that you've got to stop comparing your chapter one to somebody else's chapter 20, right? Your journey is yours, and you've got to continuously focus on you making progress on your journey, and not perfection. You know, I always think about this whole stay in your own lane thing as my four by 100 relay race. You got any sprinters here listening? But I was a sprinter way back in the day, in high school and college, and I loved it. I love the four by 100 relay race. It was my absolute favorite. And for those of you who don't know, one person starts at every 100-meter mark along the track, and the first person starts with the baton, the gun goes off. They run as fast as they can in their lane, then they pass it to the next person, and so on and so forth, all the way around the entire one lap around the track. And you know, if someone were to hand me as the person behind me on my team was handing me the baton, if I took my eyes off of my other teammate, who was waiting at the next 100-meter mark and instead was looking to the right of me to see how fast they were going or how much further ahead I needed to go to catch up, I would lose track, I would lose balance, because I'd be taking my eyes off of where I was going. I could trip, I could fall, I could totally disqualify myself and go into the next person's lane. And so everybody knows who runs the four by 100 meter relay race that you have to keep your eyes straight and just go as fast as you can you run your race, and then when you get to the end, you pass, you pass the baton to that next person on your team. This is just like business. We all have different things going on in our lives. We have different amounts of time that we can spend. We have different goals; we have different visions. We have different ideas of what we want our life to look like a work life balance. Nobody's journey is exactly the same, and so it doesn't do you any good every time that you take your eyes off of you in your journey and you get out of your lane, it's just slowing you down. It's slowing you down. It's getting you up in your own head, and it's preventing you from running your race to the best of your ability.
So, focus on you and your journey. Focus on what matters most to you and your family. Remember why you're doing what you're doing, and remember that we're not here for perfection, because that doesn't exist. We're here to just simply make progress day by day. So those are the three tips that I wanted to give you to give you to help you become your overnight success. Number one, commit to that long term game. Number two, fail forward. And number three, stay in your lane. And the next time that you catch yourself thinking, because we know you will, oh, God, why isn't this happening faster? This is taking forever. Just remember success isn't about speed, it's about persistence. Keep showing up, keep putting in the work. And one day, guess what, someone's gonna look at you and think, damn, they're an overnight success. But you'll know the truth, because you'll remember all that hard work and effort that you put in behind the scenes to get you to that point. So if you love this episode, please share it with someone. Tag me on Instagram @KatherineReuter, thanks so much for listening. Keep going, keep believing, and Do Life Big, because that's what we're here for. Thanks so much for listening today. You know, I love you and I'll see you the next time. Bye.