128: Stop Overthinking + Start Doing! The Secret to Making Progress

What’s up?! 🥳 I’m so pumped to bring you this week’s episode of Do Life Big, because it’s all about ditching overwhelm and FINALLY making progress toward your dreams.

Let’s get real: starting something new (like your online business) can feel like juggling flaming swords while blindfolded. 🔥 You’ve got websites to build, content to create, marketing to learn, and OMG—don’t even get me started on figuring out your offer. It’s A LOT. And if you’re anything like me when I started my first biz, you might be thinking, “I don’t know what I’m doing… how do I even begin?”

Here’s the Truth Bomb 💣

Success isn’t about doing everything at once. It’s about doing the NEXT RIGHT THING.

Yup. That’s it. Just one small step. One piece of content. One DM to connect with someone. One small action that moves you forward today. Because those tiny, consistent steps? They compound over time (shoutout to my fave book, The Compound Effect 📚). And before you know it, you’re unstoppable. 🚀

Quick Story for You 📝

One of my students started her online coaching biz and felt COMPLETELY stuck. She had a million things to do and no clue where to start. Sound familiar? Instead of trying to tackle it all, she wrote this mantra in her notebook:

👉 “What’s the one thing I can do today to move forward?”

Day 1? She posted on social media for the first time ever. Day 2? She reached out to five people in her network. Day 3? She created a free resource. Within weeks, she built momentum, gained confidence, and even signed her FIRST client—all because she focused on small, consistent actions.

So, Here’s Your Challenge 🎯

Take a deep breath. You don’t need to have it all figured out. You don’t need to see the whole staircase. As Martin Luther King said, “Just take the first step.”

Ask yourself RIGHT NOW:
👉 What’s the ONE thing I can do today to move forward?
And then GO DO THAT THING. Even if it feels a little scary. ESPECIALLY if it feels a little scary.

Because guess what? You’re not in this alone. I’m right here cheering you on every step of the way. We’re doing this together, my friend. Let’s stop overthinking and start doing.


Hey there! Thanks for listening! ⭐ 

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