Hey, my friend! What is up? And welcome back to another episode of Do Life Big. I am so excited to have you here today. Today's episode is going to be all about waiting for the right time. I love this one. This one has been popping up a lot in my life recently. And I know it's common. I know it's common myth, actually, for you to wait for the right time. There's things that you want to do in your life, there's decisions that need to be made. There's a business that you want to start, there's a pivot that you're thinking about doing in your business or in your life. But we tell ourselves, it's just not the right time. Or I should just wait? And then we give ourselves a long list of reasons about why we should wait. When really at the end of the day, it is just a myth. This is just a way to procrastinate. And you procrastinate because that is your brain's way of keeping you safe. It's your brain's way of preventing you have this fear of failure that you have. If I go to start this business, and it doesn't work out for some unknown reason, then that means I'm a failure. Or people will look at me and think that I'm an idiot, why did I quit my full-time job to do this business, right?
And so we have got to constantly be challenging this inner battle that we have. And it's not easy. But I'll tell you right now, it is a lot easier to sit around and talk yourself out of the things that you really want to do. And the decisions that need to be made. It is so much easier to sit here and lie to yourself, even when you are not truly happy in your career, for example, or you know, you have this business idea or this hobby that you really love. And you'd love to turn that into a business. But you don't want to do it because now you're in this job and you're making this consistent income. And what if you left it? Now you know what, it doesn't matter? We've got to break the cycle because you only have one life to live. And I don't know about you, I swear I say this every episode. But I really hate regrets. I mean, who really likes them?
Honestly, for real, I don't want to go through life and look back and say, Man, I wonder what would have happened if I had done this. Or I wonder what would have happened if I had just said this or if I had just taken this risk. Even though it was scary, even though you don't really know how the outcome is going to go. It was still an idea that was placed on your heart. And you wouldn't have these ideas being placed on your heart if you weren't meant or equipped to carry them out and see them through. Not everybody has the same vision, not everybody gets the same visions, not everyone has the same intuition and the same feelings. But when you get that you need to act on it instead of telling yourself all these Bs excuses about how it's not the right time. Because while your brain is sitting there, working hard to keep you safe in a situation that let's be honest, you really aren't truly that happy or fulfilled in your brain is spending all this time and energy protecting you trying to keep you safe trying to keep you in the comfort zone preventing you from making change.
And while it's doing that if you're spending all that time and energy feeding yourself all these lies and this whole story about how now's not the right time, you may as well sit down and spend the time and energy creating the story of why right now is the best and most opportune time. Do you see what I'm saying, right? Because in every situation that happens to us every day, our mind is constantly creating stories around it. That's all it is. It's a story. It's either the limiting story that's rooted in fear, a fear of rejection, a fear of failure, whatever it may be. So it's either that story that we're telling ourselves all the time, like, oh, you know, I shouldn't do that now. Because you know, the kids are too little Oh, that would be too risky. Or I shouldn't do this right now, too, because I don't really know much about it. Or you know what, now I'm getting too old, I probably should have done this 10 years ago, or, you know, now I'm in this career, and I got the golden cuffs and I must, we'll just finish it out. And then hopefully, when I'm done with this, then I could move on to something else, because now's not the right time for it, because I'm too busy.
And we're either telling ourselves that story, or we're sitting down, and we're saying, hey, you know what, I just have this feeling. And I just have this idea. And I know exactly what I want. And yes, acknowledge that it does scare you a little bit, to maybe stop that full-time job and go all in on your business, instead of building it on the side, it may be scary, of course, it's going to be scary. Side note, I think this is another misconception is that sometimes we look at other people who are really crushing it in life and in business. And we seem to think that there's some magical, frickin unicorn, and they don't ever have this fear, or this nervousness, or this anxiousness or this upset stomach about what they're doing. And that is such bullshit, oh, my God, they all have it. The only difference is that they choose to act on it and do it anyway. They all have a fear of the unknown, but they do it anyway. Because you've got to trust the process. And you've got to trust that everything is always working out for you, whether you believe it or not.
And so we need to get better at sitting down and telling ourselves the story that's going to propel us forward, that's going to allow us to take that courageous action, and to do the thing that you really want to do that's been on your heart, you can sit here and you can tell yourself a much more positive story that's going to excite you and sit here and say, hey, oh, my gosh, I have this idea. I'm going to do it, it makes me a little nervous. But I've had this idea, I've had it for a long time, I'm going to just act on it. I don't really know what I'm doing. But guess what I am going to figure it out as I go. Because I am not the first one who has ever done this before. Everybody starts at the bottom, everybody starts out something, whether it's a business, a career, change, a move a new relationship, not know what the hell is going to happen, or how it's going to turn out. But I'm going to have faith that it's going to work out for the best for me, and I'm going to do it anyways.
And you know what, I'm going to take the smallest little baby step to at least get me going in the right direction. No longer am I going to sit here and continue to tell myself and feed myself the BS story about how now isn't the right time, you're going to get that thought right out of your mind. And you're going to start telling yourself now is the only time now is the best time, now is the only time that we are actually guaranteed. And I have been thinking a lot about this. Because over the last two years, especially I've known of three different people now who are my age, who have passed away from different illnesses, cancer, other things. And it's really eye-opening, when you know of someone who is young, that gets a disease and dies from it, it really makes you think about how you're living your day-to-day life. It really helps you keep perspective on what's really important, right?
But at the end of it all, you have these ideas, and you should act on them. And you're not going to say anymore, that now is not the right time you are going to replace that thought with now is the absolute best time. And this is actually what I teach this way of thinking rewiring your mind for success. This is just a little piece of it. But this is what I teach in my Mindset Accelerator Program. And if you haven't already grabbed my free workbook Think This, Not That you should right now go to kathireuter.com/thinkthisnotthat and print it out because it will show you 19 of the most common limiting negative beliefs that we think and what you can start to replace those with. And I can tell you right now, that now just isn't the right time is a limiting belief and it's not serving you. And you need to learn to start to replace that and you need to learn to start to tell yourself the story of now is the right time. Now is the best time I only have right now. I'm doing it. Anyway, I'm doing it scared. I'm doing it nervous. I'm doing it scared shitless it doesn't matter. You've got nothing to lose, put it all on the table, nothing to lose, so that you don't look back and have any kind of regrets in your life.
So I hope that you enjoyed today's episode. It was short and sweet. Thanks so much for being Hear You know, I love you and I will see you the next time. Bye.