071: What Childhood Challenges Taught Me? (My Personal Journey)

Happy New Year! πŸ₯³

Today, I'm getting real about something we don't talk about enough – the challenges we faced as kids and how they shaped who we are today.

Have you ever seen someone successful and thought, "They've always had it easy"? We forget the hurdles they overcame.

So, let me peel back the layers of my past.

Surprise! I wasn't always the loud, confident person you know. As a kid, I was shy, got picked on, and battled self-doubt.

And it took me 30 years to realize I needed to work on myself!!! πŸ˜…

The secret sauce? I embraced all the discomfort and struggles I had! I was like a butterfly breaking free from its cocoon. πŸ¦‹

In today's Do Life Big Podcast episode, I spill the tea on how I raised the bar for my friendships, upgraded my standards, and learned not everyone needs to like me. It's about being me and attracting the right vibes.

Personal growth turned me into a better mom, wife, friend, and entrepreneur. And guess what? The journey never ends. I roll with personal development, jam to inspiring content, and stay with those who uplift me. πŸš€

Always remember these things:

  • Am I listening to things that make my mind better and make me feel good? πŸŽ§
  • What am I reading? Am I reading things that help me grow and work through areas I need to improve? πŸ“š
  • Am I watching things that are positive, inspiring, and give me that feel-good feeling? πŸ“Ί
  • Who am I surrounding myself with? What are those conversations like? How do I feel after leaving those situations? πŸ€”

Your past isn't a burden; it's a gift. So, what challenges are you still working to overcome?πŸ’ͺ


⭐ Hey there! Thanks for listening! β­ 

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Listen to the Do Life Big Podcast: 

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