Hey, my friend what’s up and welcome back to another episode of Do Life Big. Today's episode is going to be freaking awesome. Because I am literally just coming back from the most incredible business event I've ever attended in the last 10 years of becoming an entrepreneur. And in today's episode, I'm going to be talking to you about Taylor Swift actually. And I am going to be sharing with you three of the most important lessons that I learned while reading an interview with Taylor Swift about how she was named Person of the Year. And you're going to be to learn how you can relate these things to your life, how you can apply these things to your life, so that you can build an incredible life and really live up to your truest potential. So hang in, hang tight, because this is going to be really awesome. Now I apologize in advance. I sound super nasally today, it's okay, I am recording my podcast just coming off of the flu.
Like I said, I am just coming back from attending the best event business event I've ever attended in the last 10 years of becoming an entrepreneur. My business mentor James Wedmore hosted his business by design live conference out in California, he only does this once a year. It's a three-day long even and there were over 900 other entrepreneurs who flew from all across the world to come together and meet to transform our businesses and our life. And I literally knew no one, let alone me just literally hopped on a plane, I left from Florida. I took a plane from Florida, to North Carolina, from North Carolina to California, and then flew back California to Denver back to Florida, all by myself not knowing a single solitary soul. My mom was like, Oh my gosh, you're so brave for doing that. I'm like, I am brave. But it's so important that you do those kinds of things. And so I had so many breakthroughs, and I met some of the most incredible people I've ever met, like I truly felt like Damn. Like, these are my people. You know, I wish we could all just live on like a little island together. You know, and I haven't felt this way in nine years, but I just felt so aligned. And you need people like that in your life. That's why it's so important to put yourself out there and get yourself in communities are around people who are like minded like this.
People who are going to support your dreams and push you. This is how you continue to raise the ceiling in your business in your life versus just plateauing and just coasting along and going through the motions. Like you're just a hamster on a wheel day in and day out day in and day out. Right? So bear with me through this episode with my super nasally voice I came back from this event immediately got the flu and have been in bed legit bedridden and have not been this sick. And I don't even know how long and I finally was able to get out of bed today and do something productive. AKA record this podcast episode. And I really wanted to try to do it a couple of days ago, but I had this god awful cough that would not stop. And it would have been impossible to edit this episode. And my throat I was basically losing my voice. So no cough today. No sore throat today just a massive head cold. So it sounds like I'm holding my nose this entire this entire podcast episode. But it's all good.
So I'm at this event and there was this common theme from most of the speakers and it was that you already have everything that you need inside of you right now to succeed at whatever it is that your heart desires. And I think that's just a really important message to to remember and to remind ourselves and when I came back from this event, I truly came back a transformed person. I've been on another level since returning just another frequency. And just so much more elevated than I've been in a long, long time. And I have been in bed sick with this flu all week long. And it's just funny how the universe works, right? Because I was ready to come back and kick ass immediately. And, you know, start sprinting out of the gates get straight to work. But then the universe was like, nope, Kathi, you're gonna get the flu, and you're gonna stay right here in bed, and you're gonna continue to just reflect over the next four or five days. So I did, I spent more time reflecting, which is hard for me to do. Because I'm a like, doer, overachiever, go go go working on it. So I did this. And I did a lot of resting and a lot of sleeping. But I also did some reading here and there. And I love reading and learning about other extremely successful people, no matter what their background is, and what they're successful in.
And I came across this article about how Taylor Swift was named Person of the Year. And I read the article all about the interview that she had her the whole interview. And now I don't know if you've ever been to one of her concerts before, or not, but I attended one about five years ago. And it was the best concert I've ever been to. Because she doesn't just stand there and sing, you know, at the microphone. It's like watching a movie. It's like literally watching a freaking movie, the way that she sings. And then she performs and she tells a story and the way she connects with her audience. It's just absolutely incredible. And so I read this whole interview. And I was like, wow, there's some really important lessons here that she's sharing that are important for me. And that I know will help you in your life and in your journey, so that you can live out your best life and so that you can go after your dreams and that she could make shit happen. And stop with the excuses. And so I picked out three of what I felt were the most important lessons that I learned while reading this interview. And I'm going to share them with you.
So the first lesson I learned was what an incredible storyteller, she is, the importance of a story, the importance of your story. In this interview, it's quite evident that she is an incredible storyteller. It's the reason why people are so captivated by her. How can we continue to share our stories to impact more people and change more lives. And it wasn't these amazing successes and wins that she was telling stories about her stories that she was sharing. We're all about when the shit was hitting the fan, when the times were extremely stressful when she was having those extreme lows. And she shared about her heartbreak about losing her spot to sing with Kenny Chesney when she was 17 years old because it was sponsored by a beer company. And she wasn't 18 yet, just as an example, but she shared about these lows that she was in and these stressful times. And the times when it wasn't working in her favor when she had extreme sadness and disappointment. And how often do we hold back our stories, because we're embarrassed by them, or we let fear keep us stuck there. And we feel our stories are only impactful when we're sharing about a win, right? Or we get wrapped up in having to appear and look like everything is perfect. And so nobody lives with everything being perfect all the time. And so we just don't share and sharing those perfect times. They're not relatable, right?
Your mess is your message. I remember hearing this phrase a long time ago, your mess is your message. And it always stuck with me. And you know why they say that? It's because you are so much more real and relatable. When you share the messes. More people will connect with you. More people can see themselves in your story. More people will trust you and like you. And you sharing gives people hope and encouragement and instills courage in them in not only them but in their future.
And I remember when I first started my first business 10 years ago, I remember the place I was in when we were in $40,000 of credit card debt. And we had depleted our entire savings account and we were sinking by $1,000 every single month and no one in my family or no one knew that it was happening because I was embarrassed. And I remember starting this health and wellness business. And I never got into that business to try to get out of debt or to make a lot of money. I started that business because I wanted to earn $200 a week so that it could keep me home to be with the kids just enough to keep me afloat. But I remember hearing that your message your message, and I remembered one day I was like just rip
A bandaid off Kathi and share it on social media share where you are right now share the shitstorm right now that you're going through and how stressful it is, but share how you're going to figure it out and how you are going to use this business to turn it around. And I remember being so mortified when I wrote it out there, because my business was all on social media. And I remember making the post and I slammed the computer shot and I ran away from the computer thinking, Oh, my God, I can't believe I just shared this publicly. This is so embarrassing. And when I looked again, message, after message, comment after comment was all about how relatable that was, and how inspiring it was to other people. And people were sharing their support with me while I was on this journey.
So what have you been holding back that you can share? What's something that maybe you're struggling with right now that you can talk about? Now, listen, you don't want to just have a pitch fest for the sake of pitching, but share about something you're struggling with. And then how you're going to work through it, or a time that you were struggling and how you overcame it. That's what's inspiring. That's what's going to impact more lives. That's going to make you relatable, more trustworthy, more likeable. So that was the first important lesson that I learned while reading this article from Taylor that you can apply to your own life. And now here's the second lesson I learned. She went on in her interview to talk about how, even though she's so Hi, right now, and she's at the highest of high, it wasn't always this way. And there have been a lot of lows.
And here's the thing we need to remember, you can't get to the highs without navigating through the lows first. You can't have your breakthrough without having the breakdown first. And I think sometimes we look at these people who are having extreme success, whoever that may be that you look up to right now. And I think we might think, Oh, it's just easier for them. They had no struggles, look how quickly they rose to the top level. They had no failures, oh, it's just easy for them. They're just luckier as if they were exempt from having to go through the lows. For those people who have had such massive success. Anyone who's had any level of success has had far more failures than the average person. That's how they got there. Because that's how it works.
So how many times myself included, by the way, have we hit rock bottom, or hit a roadblock and then said, Screw it, I'm done. I'm done. I guess I'm just not meant to do this. How many times have we made that roadblock or that rock bottom mean that we aren't meant to do the thing or that we're not meant for greatness or that we're not meant or destined for success, we're not worthy of this success. I mean, I know I did this personally about six years ago in my business. And it took me a solid, two years of soul searching and internal healing to work past that. But for two years, I was so close to quitting, because of hitting that roadblock, the average person would have quit and I didn't I kept going I worked through it. But the message of this point is that we need billows they're inevitable.
You've just got to know that you're gonna keep standing back up, you're gonna keep going, that when you hit a low, that's not your cue to just lay on your back and give up. As long as you're on your back, you could stand up again, and you can keep going. So you're gonna stand up and you're going to work through this, you're going to learn through this and you're going to grow to the next level. It's part of it, put it in your mind, the lows are part of it. Embrace the lows, I'm going to go through the lows, you're going to go through the lows. But guess what, once I work through this low, I'm going to come out on the other side.
And the third thing that I learned that I wanted to share with you was the importance of celebrating where you are now, where you're going and where you've been. We've got to have gratitude for where we are right now. That's the missing link for so many people, I think is that we lose this sense of gratitude. We get so wrapped up in thinking how maybe things were before or how badly we wish things were different now or how, look at how much further I have to go. That we lose the sight of how much gratitude how many things we have to be grateful for right now. And so I'm asking you and I want you to ask yourself, what is something that you can be grateful for right now? Doesn't matter? How crappy of a situation you're in. There's something to be grateful for. But you've got to always remember the gratitude component. And yes, have the vision for the future. Of course, we all need to have a vision. We all have to have a vision for our future.
But never forget where you came from the struggles that you had to overcome to get to where you are right now. And remember, no matter what you are still someone's inspiration where you are right now. So, just to recap, the three valuable lessons that I learned from Taylor Swift, and how you can relate them back to your life and how I can as well. Number one, be a storyteller. And remember that your mess is your message. Number two, the lows are inevitable, and you must go through them to reach the highs. And number three, celebrate where you are right now, where you've been, and where you're going.
So I hope that you enjoyed today's episode, make sure that you hop in my free five-day vision goal-setting group, it is going to actually kick off on Monday, December 18, I will be going live in the group every day you will have access to this forever. But we're going to be kicking off on Monday the 18th I'm bringing you the energy and we are going to set yourself up to have the most amazing 2024 You can't just waltz into 2024 and hope that things work out. You have to be intentional. And you need to have some goals. And you need to have a crystal clear vision and you need to get clarity on your vision. And you need to raise your energy. And more importantly, you need to figure out what that limiting belief is that's been keeping you right where you are. Now you need to be able to figure out what that limiting belief is, and we need to replace it with a more empowering one. And we're going to do all that in my five-day free group. So you can go to Kathireuter.com/goals, you can put your name on the list, get access to the group, share it with a friend join on in and it is going to be freaking amazing. Let's do this. Let's have an awesome 2020 form. I hope you have an awesome day. Thanks for being here. You know, I love you. And I think you're awesome. And I will see you the next time. Bye.