Hey, my friend what is up and welcome back to another episode of Do Life Big. Today is going to be a really awesome episode. Because if you're listening to this in real-time, I am just coming back from a really powerful event that I attended in Denver, empower her live and it was absolutely freaking incredible. Like I am still on a high coming off of this event. Now a little side note here, you know, I was a little nervous, going back to Denver, because coming from sea level in Florida, to the mountains, I usually get really bad altitude sickness. I mean, so sick. And I was so sick, the last time that I visited Denver, I'm talking in bed all day and night with the biggest headache, feeling like I was going to throw up. So this time, I was extra prepared. My friend that I met there brought me this little oxygen tank thing that she could get from Walmart for me, I brought tons of electrolytes, and I drink tons of water. And thank God, I felt fine the entire three days while I was there.
So back to the event. So this event was really for anyone who was looking to network and get inspired and be supported by other like-minded people who just want to live their best freaking life possible. So there were some podcasters there just like myself, that I got to meet some really awesome connections, there were a lot of other online business owners there. But there were also just a lot of other people who are kind of stuck in this weird place in their life right now where they knew they're in this position of their lives where they needed to pivot and make a decision to do something because they weren't fulfilled. Or they just knew that they weren't on the right path. But they just needed that extra clarity and validation and support. And so, so many breakthroughs there for everyone that I talked to, and you truly just come back and out of this event as a different person. It is just amazing. When you can get to these events in person live, I try to do this once a quarter because you just can't bottle it up and bring it home and explain it to people just how impactful it is on your life and on your business. So that power of community and being surrounded by other people who won't judge you and will just accept you for who you are is just an incredible energy and feeling to be around.
So I have a boatload of notes from all three days. I am a note-taker. And I wanted to talk about this one topic that really stuck out to me. And I'm going to take the theme of it and put it into this podcast and it was a speech that Trent Shelton gave. Now if you don't know Trent, Trent used to be an NFL player. But he's gone on to be like one of the best motivational speakers and mindset mentors out there. You can go check them out and follow him on Instagram. But he talked all about protecting your inner peace, his whole theme and his whole position of where he is in life right now is about the importance of protecting your inner peace.
And so today's episode is all about protecting your inner peace. And I'm going to give you five ways that you can protect your inner peace starting today, I could just really relate to this topic when he was up there on stage speaking and I bet that you're going to be able too, because in a world where things are just so freaking crazy, so busy, so fast-paced, to the highlight reels on social media to the presence of setting huge ask goals, hitting them achieving them achieve, achieve, achieve to all the material things that people are showing to being surrounded with the right people, you know, sometimes if you're not careful, it can cause you nothing but stress and anxiety inside. And you could find yourself lacking that inner peace when all we really want to feel inside is true peace. And because a life without peace is nothing, you know, you can have all the money in the world. You can have all the things, you can have the cars, you can have the houses, you can have the vacation homes, you can have all of that you can have all the accolades, all the ranks, all the goals checked off your vision board. But if you don't have peace, you don't have anything in your life is multiplied by your purpose, not your possessions.
And so today, what can we do to make sure that we're protecting our inner peace? You know, I want you to step back and think about this here for a second, you know, when you get still and you get quiet, and it's just you? And there's no one else around? How are you feeling inside? Do you ever really check in on yourself? Are you feeling peaceful? Are you feeling stress? Are you feeling anxiety? Are you feeling fear? Are you are you worried, you know, check in on yourself, because what we want to feel is this inner peace. And so I'm going to go through five different things that I came up with, that I know will help you be able to find and get closer to having that inner peace.
So the first thing I want to give you is to go over this point right here. And this might be a hard one. For some of you people pleasers out there, trust me, I can relate I lived a life of being a people pleaser, still working on it have gotten much, much better over the last 13 years of doing personal development. But you know, it's still there a little bit. So learning to say no to other people, or just learning to say no, in general, and then not feeling freaking guilty about it, right? Time is so precious. And if it's not spent, if it's not something that serves you, then you have got to be okay saying no, you know, yes, people to death, you know, you may be the kind of person where like you just always feel like you have to say yes, you always have to go there. When you get invited someplace, you always have to be the one who volunteers you always have to be the one who raise their hand first when they say oh, I need help with this or somebody asks a favor of you. You're always saying yes. And you're yessing people to death, because of your people-pleasing tendencies. But every time that you say yes to something or someone else, you're saying no to yourself, and you're putting yourself on the back burner, no longer give your energy to things that drain you. If you're working on growth, and growing yourself as a person, trying to be the best version of yourself that you can be trying to create your best, most meaningful life possible. And you have some people who aren't supporting you, you know, you might feel bad at first because I did. That's how I felt when I started my business 10 years ago, you might feel like you're leaving them behind. This is something that I really struggled with when I was first going down this path of personal growth. And I really struggled with this. But guess what, you're not leaving them behind, they're choosing to stay behind.
The second tip that I want to give you to being able to get closer and finding that inner peace. And coming from that place of inner peace is to just be yourself. I'm talking about your true authentic self. Listen, there is only one you in this entire world, there is no one else out there who can beat you at being you. There is no one else like you out there. And if you don't show up as your authentic self, then you are robbing the world of being able to experience all the gifts that God has given you. So be yourself and be okay being yourself. And whatever situation you're in, you leave it better than when you found it. And the right people are going to be there with you. The right people will always support you the right people who are meant to be in your life will be in your life and that you'll stay in your life. And if they don't, the ones who have come into your life have come into your life for a reason. I believe that I believe every single person is brought into your life at just the right time for a reason. And some are meant to stay for just a little bit and some are meant to last a lifetime.
The third thing to get in closer to having that inner peace is protecting your mental health, you know, you know your mind, we're so quick to want to fix the outer layer, the external piece, we're so quick to want to fix the flaws wrong with our body. Fix the way your face looks, fix the way your hair looks, fix this, fix that fix this. And we ignore the most important piece of all, which is our mind, how we think about ourselves, how we feel on a day-to-day basis, the thoughts that are going through our head, your mental health. If you don't have that, it's going to be a struggle. And so doing things to really make you feel good things like exercising, and listen, you don't have to do anything crazy. Just decide to wake up and go for a walk around the block. Right get on your bike, go for a little bike ride, play some tennis, it doesn't matter. Just move your body to get those endorphins flowing, drinking more water, eating better, getting more sleep. I need to admit I need to work on that one a little bit more. Never said I was perfect. Reading and listening and watching things that make you feel better. Instead of cause more anxiety and stress, you know, I used to for a long time, I used to love watching, like scary movies, even though I was always a big baby, I always put my pillow in front of my face and be like, Oh my god, I can't watch it. Have you blocked my face with a pillow? And it's like, Why do you even like this, you don't even watch it. But the point is, is that I used to spend my time with my husband watching the stuff at night. And then I got to a point in my life where I was like, you know, when I watch that kind of stuff, especially at nighttime, like I don't feel good, I go to bed with my heart racing. I have crazy scary dreams that I wake up like sweating with anxiety like someone's chasing me down an alley. And I just don't feel good. And so, for me personally, you know, if, if it's something that's not making me feel good, I really just don't watch it anymore. I love watching things that make me laugh. And just get me feeling good, right? So think about the things that you are watching on a day-to-day basis. How is that impacting your mind and your mental health? The thoughts that are flowing through your mind? And who you're surrounding yourself with? Do they bring you up? Or do they bring you down? When you're with these people? And you leave the situation? Do you leave it feeling better? Or do you leave it feeling worse? All of these things go into your mental health and creating a really good, positive, confident mindset.
Number four, the next thing is gratitude, having gratitude. And I'm talking having gratitude, no matter what, find something to be grateful for, even if it's the tiniest thing, because I know it might be hard right now, and I know might be stressful. And I know my feel like Jesus Christ is there a light at the end of this tunnel. But there always is. And it could always be worse. And there is always, always, always something that you can be grateful for. You know, I'll give you an example here a real-life example. Well, if you know me, and you've been listening to me for a while, or if you just know me personally, you know that four years ago, my dad was diagnosed with AML, acute myeloid leukemia. It was just horrendous cancer, it almost killed him, he had to go in for a stem cell transplant. I mean, it's been years and years and years of him still having to go back now and get, you know, blood taking out taken out from all the transfusions that he's had. And it's been a long, long, long journey. He's alive, thank God, he's alive. But just as he was starting to think that things, were going to start to get a little bit better now he started having issues with his kidneys. And he's extremely swollen to the point where it's really hard for him to walk and move around, it's really really uncomfortable. It's hard for him, he had to go through like an entire month of these infusions. And still, it's been almost three months now. And he has not seen any progress. And he still has to go back from South Carolina to Boston, to see his team and see his doctor. And he said the other day, you know, I guess I just need to be thankful that I am still alive. And it's exactly that. It is, is it's exactly that way of thinking, you know, in those moments, when and it could be anything, you could apply this to any area of your life where you're struggling right now, like I know, it can be hard. But there's always something that you can focus on, to be grateful for, even if it's just you know what I woke up today, thank you, God. And if you can choose to just find that little ounce of hope and that little ounce of gratitude, it will help you get through those really hard, stressful times in your life. Because you know what, it all passes. It always ends. There's ebbs and flows, there's ups and downs, bumps in the road, but it's not always going to be like that.
And number five, the last one here to help with your inner peace. This one, I think, to me, is just the most important one. Follow your heart. Listen, I'm giving you permission right now to follow your heart. So I want you to trust yourself, okay? This is boiling down to trust. Trusting yourself, do you trust yourself, you have to trust yourself. You know, this vision or this thing has been on your heart that's been on your mind. You know, it was given to you and only you for a reason. It doesn't matter who does or doesn't believe in it. It's not their vision to have it's yours. So stop giving your glasses to someone who can't see through them. And stop taking advice from people who have never been successful at what you want to achieve. Listen, if you keep living to please everyone else, or keep falling when everyone else is telling you you should do then you're going to have regret. And regret is the strongest poison to the soul because you can't do a damn thing about it. So start to listen to your intuition. Really get clear on it. Listen to it. Trust me if you were gifted this vision, just like one of my mentors said you were also gifted the resourcefulness To be able to figure it out. So, just take an honest assessment of all these different areas in your life and start slowly working to improve where you need to improve, right, you're not going to make all these changes overnight. Because once you start operating from a true place of peace from within, things in life will start to fall into place much more smoothly. So, just to recap, five things that you can do to start to protect your inner peace, learning to say no more often. Be yourself. Protect your mental health. Focus on gratitude, and follow your heart. Listen, thank you so much for listening. You know, I love you. I believe in you. I think you're freaking awesome. And I will see you the next time. Bye.