Hey, my friend What's up and welcome back to Do Life Big. I'm so pumped to have you here at the start of a brand new year. Because you know what, like I said, it's a brand new year. And I want you to really go all out this year. And I really want you to do life freakin big. I really want you to end this year saying yourself, damn. Like I really gave it all I got, I didn't coast, I didn't settle. I didn't take my foot off the gas. I didn't play it safe. I gave it everything I got, and went full throttle through this entire year really chased after those goals and those dreams that I had for myself and for my family for this year. So don't be afraid to set huge goals for yourself and your life. I really want you to get excited about this year for what's in store for you and your family and your business. If you run one, get pumped for it.
You know, when I think about it, though, it just seems like so many times, and just way too often, we like to play it safe, right? Like in all areas of our life. We don't want to reach too high. We don't want to set too big of goals because then it's this fear of, well, I don't know like, what if I don't reach it? What will that mean about me as a person then? Or what will this person say or think about me if it hasn't happened? Or maybe possibly the goal just seems so freakin far away from where you are right now that you don't even believe it's possible. So you're like, well, I'm not even going to bother putting that down, or even thinking about that are going in that direction. Because it just seems like a total pipe dream. So just scratch that right?
Or maybe you're someone who has failed at something in the past. And now because of that failure, you're scared to go all out again. And you're stuck in that feeling. And that emotion and thought process from that thing that happened years ago that didn't work out. And now you use that as evidence to yourself that you shouldn't attempt anything big or new like that ever again. You think it's too scary, and you don't want to feel that letdown or that pain or that disappointment again, you've let that failure mean something negative about you as a person. So you've told yourself to just avoid going there again, right? Can you relate to any of that? Listen, I for sure can 100%.
But here's the deal. Your past does not dictate your future. It's not an indicator of what you're capable of doing. It doesn't mean anything negative or bad about you, or what you're capable of. If you fail, or you didn't make it, or you fell short on a goal. It's always lessons of learning. Right? The past is the past for a reason. And that's why we never really want to stay stuck there or live there. In those moments. We only want to always use the past as an example of what can we learn from this, right? We look back to the past for what can we learn from this? What do we get out of this, I could help us grow into the person who we need to become to achieve the things that we need to achieve in life, or to build that life or that business that we want. Now listen, I like to keep it real. And I always will with you. You know I am bold, blunt. I say whatever comes to my mind, that's just how I am.
But I really do believe in being honest. And I like to be honest with you, and share the things in my life that have happened that weren't so great. And use them as ways to help you and teach you how to go after whatever it is in life that you want. And so my hope is that when I share these kinds of stories, like I'm about to share with you that you learn something from them that you will take something from the story I'm going to share so that it will help you in your life so that you, you don't have to stay stuck in that scarcity or fear mindset, like I did for as long as I stayed stuck for.
I remember many years ago, when I was running my network marketing, health and fitness business, there were these ranks that you could hit every year. And you had all year long to hit these certain ranks. And I always had on my vision board to hit these ranks. And for many years in a row, our team worked so hard, and did all the things. And we did hit those ranks. And we felt awesome about it. Because only a really small percentage of people in the company ever hit these goals. In each year, when you did hit these goals. If you reach this level, you would receive all this special treatment, right? You get invited to these fancy exclusive parties where you could mingle and talk and get to know all the trainer's that they had. Right. There were trips and bonuses and all the swag and onstage recognition. And it was awesome. Like I was on cloud nine. I mean, who the heck wouldn't be right.
But I'll never forget that first year that I didn't hit it, that first year that I didn't get the call from corporate, that we hit that high rank. And I just remember the disappointment, the letdown that I felt when I went to the biggest event of the year, and we didn't get any of that special treatment. And we weren't recognized for it. Like our team had been recognized for it in the prior years. It was like, man, we just worked so hard all year long. And it didn't happen. I mean, it stung. I'm not gonna lie, it definitely stung. Talk about a deflated ego, right?
You go from feeling like you're on top of the world, to all of a sudden, Ah, man, what the heck is going on. And when the year ended, and it was time to set goals. For the following year, I didn't even want to put this rank on my board, because I did not want to feel that let down and that pain again. So I just avoided it. And I didn't put it as a goal at all. It's like not going on there. That's not happening. Who cares? Doesn't matter anyways.
You ever have something similar like that happened to you? I bet you have. And now what I didn't realize at the time when this was happening, I didn't realize that I was doing this. But what I was doing was I was tying my self worth to these achievements. And I would only feel worthy and like I was a somebody, or successful when I was actually achieving these goals and getting the recognition from them. So when that stopped, I felt like I sucked, which led to me losing belief in my capabilities in myself.
And I was making that Oh, not hitting that goal mean that I'm just not cut out for this. Maybe I don't have what it takes. It was all a made up story I was making. It means something negative about myself. And it was all a bunch of BS, right? How many times do we do this to ourselves, something happens. And we create this whole made up scenario and story in our mind about something negative about ourselves. It's not even real. And you see, I had taken my eye also off of all the things to be grateful for, and was focusing in on the one thing that went wrong in my eyes that went wrong, the not hitting this rank, but not getting to this level. So I was literally sabotaging myself and telling myself a BS story that was all made up by me by yours truly. Because I didn't hit this goal means I don't have what it takes. I mean, how ridiculous does that sound, you didn't hit the goal or don't have what it takes doesn't even make any sense. But I stayed trapped in this mentality with these limiting beliefs controlling me and consuming my mind for a few years, until I was finally able to break through it.
Now here's the thing, I realized that I want you to realize too, you have to realize that you are worthy and deserving right now, in this moment, just as you are, there is no amount of money, no special kind of recognition, whether it be onstage a medal, whatever, no material thing, no house, no car, no purse, no certain group of friends, all that, that once you have will make you feel and be deserving of worthiness. You are worthy right now without any of that. And I didn't know that at the time. And I had to learn it the hard way. And you understand that no matter what - there is so much to be grateful for your mindset and your thoughts and a story that you tell yourself and the belief in you change. It changes in that moment.
So if this is you and your feelings' stuck, I need you to just stop for a minute, back it up and tell yourself a story about you, that's going to make you feel good. A story that's going to motivate you to want to take action, to want to change your life and to want to go for these big goals again, because you can! I mean, think about it, if we can sit here, and we can make up all of these BS stories every day for all these circumstances and situations and scenarios that are negative, then why not make up stories about ourselves, and what we are capable of achieving, that make us feel good, that are positive that are going to serve us? Because if you're like how I was, I know you're letting that failure from the past define who you are today. I know you're sitting there telling yourself some made up BS story of why you can't make it happen, aren't you? And that ends today, right now. We're going to tell ourselves feel good stories that serve us, that inspire us, that make us feel unstoppable. And like a badass. We're not playing it safe or small any longer. Those days are done as of right now.
Listen, the last thing we all want, are for the years to go by three years, five years, 10 however many it is and then look back and say, dammit, I didn't even choose my life and live it the way that I wanted to truly live it. I just settled and coasted along, because I was scared. So as we dive into this brand new year, get alone somewhere where there are no distractions and allow yourself to dream again. I'm talking really dream - really dream big. You know, when a child says what they want to be when they get older, they have all these incredible ideas. And they're so creative, and they're so excited and so inspired when their younger, right? We don't knock any of those ideas or dreams down, right? We always encourage them.
And you are that child with those dreams before. Heck, maybe you that adult with those dreams and ideas at one time with a light that shined so bright. But now it's dim. But you want that spark back again in your life. So think about it. Now, think about you and think about your life. And if there were absolutely no limitations, there is nothing holding you back. There's nothing that could go wrong. Everything could go right. What would you go after? And just start writing it all down, print out pictures to go along with it. Get it up on a vision board somewhere for you to see daily. You deserve this! You really do. I believe in you.
I know you're meant for more. And I know there's a part of you who believes the same exact thing about yourself too. I know there's a piece of you right now, who knows, I just know that I meant for more like I know that I have something deep inside of me. But I just feel a little bit held back. I know that I have the capabilities. It's there, down in there. I just need to get over it. And take that action and stop telling myself the story in my mind that's not serving me and telling myself a better story about myself. That will motivate me that will inspire me to go after the things that I want in life.
You deserve this. I believe in you. Trust me, you got this. I really hope that this episode helped you today. And if it did, make sure that you help me spread this word to other people. Tag me on Instagram at @katherinereuter so we can get this message out there and help more people really live their best life and Do Life Big for this year. So thanks for being here. Thanks for listening. You know I love you. I believe in you keep crushing it and I will see you the next time. See ya.