Finally, a proven way to SHUT DOWN your limiting beliefs so that you can experience the growth, confidence, and FUN that you want in your business and in life!

Are You Finally Ready to Create The 6-Figure Success You've Been Dreaming Of?


Imagine consistently GROWING your income to 6 figures and beyond, operating with renewed excitement and energy about your business, and having that feeling of being in control of your future without feeling like you are just "going through the motions"

YES! I'm Ready For 6-Figure Success!









If you don't believe you are capable of success, you won't achieve it.

You are taking massive action, day in and day out. Showing up. Doing the work. Reading the books. 

Burning the candles on both ends.... but it still feels HEAVY, like you are constantly going UPHILL.

And when you take your foot off the gas, for even a moment, it feels like you are RIGHT BACK where you started. 

And it feels so confusing, because all around you the advice being pitched is that you just have to work MORE, and work HARDER

Most people who dream of building a 6-figure business face just ONE major obstacle that puts a ceiling on their success. 

Curious? Well ... before I give you the answer, let me ask you a question. 

Which of the following statements do you resonate with?

"What if this just isn't for me?"

Maybe you already run a business, but it just hasn't progressed the way you wanted. You WANT it to work out, but deep down, you are feeling doubt. A nagging thought that "What if this just isn't for me?". What if it is all just a waste of time?

Eventually, you stop showing up for your business and just get stuck in low-value tasks. You get things done, but they aren't the things that drive your business forward. 

"I want to feel excited again, but I just don't know how."

You remember how you felt when you first started, how EXCITED you were! It felt like being in a new relationship - you couldn't go to sleep without thinking about your business!

But, after grinding for so long, it feels like your passion is on life support. You want that excitement again, but you wonder if it will ever return.

 You try to renew that passion, but it always seems to just come back for a moment, then fizzle away again. 

"I was KILLING IT, but then the wheels came off the bus!"

You've been burned, and you have a business scar to prove it! You achieved some success, but just when it felt like it was going to skyrocket and all your dreams were going to manifest.... nothing happened.

Perhaps you started to feel some resentment, especially when you saw others pass you by. You should have been there by now! 

And then you wonder... can I really accomplish my goals, or am I destined to just stay right here? 

"I don't have the time / money / resources / support."

You look around and notice others have it so much easier! They have a supportive family and friends. They have more time available. 

If you had those things, it would be so much easier to finally reach that 6-figure level and beyond. 

But, since you don't, you push off your business to some arbitrary time in the future when you believe the stars will align

"I just can't seem to stay consistent!"

You attach success to how many days in a row you do the things, and when you miss a day, you feel like a complete failure

You know what you need to do, but it's so hard to just even open up the laptop. And when you miss a day, it feels like another checkmark in the reasons why you won't reach your goals. 

"I've never done this before, how will I even figure it out?"

You know you have a calling to start a business, but whenever you start thinking about it, all the things that come along with it hit you like a giant tidal wave. 

You read a few blogs or spend days researching how to start a website, only to get analysis paralysis and not make a decision at all. 

And you feel so frustrated by this because you know you need to just do the damn thing. 

If ANY of these sound even remotely familiar, then you may have figured out why you haven't reached that 6-figure success that you have been dreaming of. 
It's because there are hidden limiting beliefs, literally putting a LID on what is possible for you!

Say "See Ya!" To Those Limiting Beliefs!

When you encounter a limiting belief, it feels like hitting a wall. And the sneaky thing is, so often you don't even know those limiting beliefs are there.

It's always this yo-yo effect where you work, then don't work; then you're inspired, then drained, and all the while your relationships, your bank account, everything in your life is just FLAT.

And you are not a fan of things being flat. You want GROWTH in your life, because you know how fulfilling it is to achieve a goal! 

For at least  2 months, you have been showing up for your business at least 5 days a week, but it just feels like the things that used to work to grow your business and your income, are no longer working.

To fix that, you are reading personal development books or listening to podcasts at least once a week, and attending live events at least once every quarter, because you believe there is something "Missing", and if you could just figure out what it is, you could get back on that path of income growth! 

Then you beat yourself up over not doing what you were supposed to be doing.

Maybe you even think...why can't I get my shit in gear? If it's THIS important to me, why can't I just do the things I need to do?

A "Limiting Belief" is simply something that you believe is TRUE, that holds you back from your true potential.

And if this applies to YOU.... 

If you are like most of my students, then chances are you have these hidden limiting beliefs that are putting a hard STOP on what you can accomplish. 

But that's OK! Most people NEVER even become aware of the fact that their own mind is stopping them!

When limiting beliefs are running the show, your growth can only go so far before it STALLS OUT, and you start to have a hard time even envisioning new and greater possibilities for your life. You start to just come to terms with where you are in your business, and believe that at the core, this is the best you will ever be able to do.  

This ultimately creates a feeling of frustration at your business and yourself. You feel like those deep down dreams of reaching six-figures were just a pipe dream. That type of success is just reserved for other people.  

If these types of thoughts cross your mind, or your goals feel silly and unattainable, it's time to DROP those limiting beliefs - or stay stuck in the same patterns that are keeping you flatlined. 

What's going to happen to YOUR business if you DON'T crush your limiting beliefs? 

A 6-figure entrepreneur thinks very differently from a struggling entrepreneur 

  • Struggling entrepreneurs think failing makes THEM a failure.....
    6-figure entrepreneurs know that failure is a part of success and when you don't get the result you want, you get a lesson instead!
  • Struggling entrepreneurs believe that seeing others succeed means they are too late to the game......
    6-figure entrepreneurs know that other's success means it is possible for them as well!
  • Struggling entrepreneurs worry about what others say about them ......
    6-figure business owners know not everyone will agree with them, and that's totally OK and they instead focus on those they can help.
  • Struggling entrepreneurs see challenges as more proof that they won't succeed.....
    6-figure entrepreneurs understand that the biggest growth comes from challenges!
  • Struggling entrepreneurs fall back into negative habits and procrastination...... 
    6-figure entrepreneurs recognize when something isn't working right and fix it so they can get back to growth!
  • Struggling entrepreneurs think they need to learn everything before taking the 1st step ......
    6-figure entrepreneurs know that action creates clarity and they will learn as they go!

Without changing your thinking, you can hang up any chance of achieving real and long-lasting success.

Replacing the beliefs that LIMIT you with new beliefs that EMPOWER you is the fastest way to build six-figure success. 



Just like how working on your fitness is 90% what you eat, success in your business is 90% what you THINK.
And, just like you can't out-exercise bad nutrition, you can't outwork bad thinking!

Re-Wire Your Mind for Success!

The Mindset Accelerator isn't a fluffy, feel-good course

....(although you WILL feel good)

  • 3 Core Training Modules that give you everything you need to finally destroy those beliefs that are stopping you. Yep, even the hidden ones!
  • A Comprehensive Workbook that goes hand-in-hand with the training modules so you can not just learn but IMPLEMENT (remember, to get something different you have to DO something different!)
  • Lifetime access to the course content, so you can revisit whenever you need to relight that fire!
  •  And much, MUCH more! (keep reading to get the details!


See what's waiting for YOU inside The Mindset Accelerator!


Enroll In The Mindset Accelerator Today!

Your 3-Step Map to Long Term Success!

The EXACT process and techniques that I used in my business to build a six figure income in just 11 months!

  1. IDENTIFY your limiting beliefs (even the hidden ones!)
  2. EXTRACT & REPLACE - Catch the limiting beliefs as they show up and SWAP them with positive beliefs!
  3. INGRAIN it - make the new positive beliefs "Stick", FOR GOOD!

Module 1 - Uncovering Hidden Beliefs

1.1 - Revealing Your Limiting Beliefs

Become aware of your limiting beliefs, how they show up, and how they are created to begin with!

  • The transformation you can expect
  • What are limiting beliefs
  • How limiting beliefs show up in your life
  • Identifying your limiting beliefs 
  • Default vs. Intentional living
  • What are core beliefs

1.2 - Identifying Your TOP Limiting Beliefs

In this lesson, you will identify your specific TOP limiting beliefs!

  • Building awareness around your limiting beliefs
  • Identification Methods:
    • Question Method
    • 3rd Party Observer Method
    • Fill In The Blank Method
  • Clarifying the consequences of not resolving your limiting beliefs

Module 2 - Swapping In Positive Beliefs

2.1 - Visualizing Positive Outcomes

Silence limiting beliefs by shifting your attention to positive outcomes!

  • How selective attention works
  • The Reticular Activating System
  • What is visualization, and how it works
  • Your Life Circle
  • Habits for successful visualization
  • Visualization techniques and practices

2.2 - Flipping Your Limiting Beliefs

The tools to flip your limiting beliefs into positive, self-serving beliefs on-demand! 

  • How reframing works
  • Flipping Methods:
    • Solution Challenging
    • Being Your Own Best Friend 
    • The Limiting Belief Framework 
  • Understanding your Rock Star Voice

2.3 - Building Self-Worth 

Using self-worth to BLOCK limiting beliefs!

  • Why self-worth and worthiness matter
  • Identify your indicators of self-worth 
  • Self Worth Growth Methods: 
    • Perfectionist Mindest
    • Stopping People-Pleasing
    • Service-based method
    • Raising your Thermostat
  •  Quantifying your self-worth
  •  Strength and Positive Quality Inventory

Module 3 - Making Positive Beliefs Last

3.1 - Gratitude

Build a habit of gratitude to solidify positive beliefs!

  • How gratitude affects you daily
  • Stages of Gratitude
  • Building Confidence 
  • Altering your perceptions of situations
  • Focus tips for Gap vs. Gain
  • Habit Techniques for
    • Increasing optimism & happiness
    • Deeper relationships
    • Enhancing wellbeing
    • Building self-control
    • Physical & Mental health

3.2 - Positive Affirmations & The Law of Attraction

The system to automatically bring MORE positive situations into your life!

  • How affirmations & the law of attraction actually work
  • Creating YOUR positive affirmations
  • How to attract desired outcomes into your life
  • "As If" method
  • Becoming the Hero of your day
  • Abundance Mentality
  • Applying attraction to your business

3.3 - Putting All The Parts Together 

Applying everything for long-term, consistent success!

  • What to do when you get "stuck"
  • Understanding what limitations are
  • Do's vs. Don'ts (hard back / soft belly)
  • Taking control of your happiness
  • The Influence Framework
Enroll In The Mindset Accelerator Today!

Julie Koster

CEO, The Bodhi Project

"Years of self-doubt and feeling-stuck-ness are no match for Kathi Reuter's super uplifting courses!!

I joined the Mindset Accelerator in a time of huge self doubt and struggle, trying to decide my path forward after the pandemic flipped all of our world on its head. I am so glad I did!

I came out feeling stronger and more self-aware than ever, and am in the process of transforming my life's work around a very special non-profit dedicated to pediatric cardiology.

I am no longer a serial entrepreneur who does it all - instead, I'm an empowered professional on a MISSION. And I love it!"

Plus! Bonuses worth $8,338

Monthly LIVE Interactive Q&A / Office Hours / Hot Seats!

Join Kathi LIVE once per month for interactive office hours. Have questions on anything? Bring them to the table and get them answered directly by Kathi!

 ($7,000 / Year Value)

Exclusive Access to a PRIVATE Facebook Group!

Join other Mindset Accelerator members and use the community to bounce ideas, learn from each other, and raise each other up! 

 ($997 Value)

The Mindset Accelerator Workbook 

A 65 page course workbook that is lined up with the modules so you can take the training and put it into ACTION in YOUR life!

 ($97 Value)

Reignite Your Self Belief Self-Paced Training & Workbook

Lifetime access to Reignite Your Self Belief LIVE Self-paced training.

 ($197 Value)

Fast Action BONUS! (Today ONLY!)

The Goal Setting Masterclass!

Build actionable goals, break them into periods of time, and use a toolset to keep you on TRACK so your goals become a REALITY!

 ($47 Value)

OK, so. ..... How Much is My Investment?

 The Mindset Accelerator shows you exactly how to crush those limiting beliefs and finally achieve that six-figure success you have been dreaming of. 

It's a small investment in yourself that will pay HUGE returns in your future!

For this one-time fee, you get access for LIFE to the tools you need to create life-long changes in the way that you THINK.

It's the key to that door that you just haven't been able to get through - and - this is exactly what I teach in my $20,000 per year 1:1 coaching program! 

When you consider the life changing value of what you get compared to the investment, it's a simple choice. 

The Mindset Accelerator is a premium program, but I also want to get it in the hands of as many people as possible. 

The Mindset Accelerator is normally $1997.

However, I'm offering this to you today for just six payments of $187!

That's right! You can get started today for JUST $187 TODAY! 


Briana McAuliffe

Personal Trainer & Mom of 2:

"Before I started The Mindset Accelerator, I always had a lot of excuses. I feel like I'm somebody who would look at the lens of social media and see other people living their best lives and give an excuse as to why I can't. 

Now, my husband and I have been building a personal training studio in our basement, so that I can start to see clients one on one in my own home. And I'm really excited and pumped up and ready to share my love of exercise with the world!

If you are stuck in your business, if you are stuck in your life, if you are just living your everyday life, over and over and over again on repeat, join the Mindset Accelerator, you won't regret it!"

Pay in Full and Save!


Most Popular Option!

  • The tools, techniques, and methods YOU can use to master your MINDSET!
  • LIFETIME Access to the Mindset Accelerator course
  • Access to all future content and updates
  • INSTANT ACCESS to our exclusive Mindset Accelerator Facebook Group!
  • 60+ Page Workbook
  • Monthly Group Hot Seat / Q&A Sessions where you can bring your specific questions
  • Most Popular Option


$187 / 6 Months

Get Started Today!

  • The tools, techniques, and methods YOU can use to master your MINDSET!
  • LIFETIME Access to the Mindset Accelerator course
  • Access to all future content and updates
  • INSTANT ACCESS to our exclusive Mindset Accelerator Facebook Group!
  • 60+ Page Workbook
  • Monthly Group Hot Seat / Q&A Sessions where you can bring your specific questions
  • Flexible Payment Option



Supercharge your Results!

⭐ VIP UPGRADE: (6) 1-on-1 Sessions (1 Hr) with Kathi
 Limited to 5 
  • The tools, techniques, and methods YOU can use to master your MINDSET!
  • LIFETIME Access to the Mindset Accelerator course
  • Access to all future content and updates
  • INSTANT ACCESS to our exclusive Mindset Accelerator Facebook Group!
  • 60+ Page Workbook
  • Monthly Group Hot Seat / Q&A Sessions where you can bring your specific questions
  • Accelerated Results! 
 Flexible Payment Options available starting at $101!









Jennifer Leedy, Mom of 2

Let's run those numbers again!

Here's EVERYTHING you are getting when you join The Mindset Accelerator today!
  • Instant & lifetime access to all of The Mindset Accelerator training modules, videos, and exercises so that you finally ELIMINATE those limiting beliefs for good! (Value of $1,997)
  • A 65-page workbook that follows along with the course, because we all know that you have to APPLY what you learn! (Value of $97)
  • Access to the private Mindset Accelerator Community where you will be connected with other people helping each other succeed! (Value: $997)
  • Monthly live training calls, hot seat, & "office hours" where you can ask me any questions you have directly! (Value $7,000 per year)
  • Lifetime access to Reignite Your Self Belief, my 7-part video training series & workbook to get you FIRED up and taking action, FAST! (Value: $197)
  • Lifetime access to The Goal Setting Masterclass, my 5-part video training series & workbook to get your goals defined and actionable! (Value: $47)
 A total value of $10,335, which you can get RIGHT NOW for just $187 today!

So Now ... It's Time for You to Make One of Two Choices.... 

Your life up until this point is all just a sum of the decisions you have made up until this point in time, right now. 

And ... here's another choice you get to make. 

The first choice is to do nothing. And, as you already know, don't make different choices, then you don't change. 

BUT - if you already know that you want to finally get that six-figure success and build the business and life you have been dreaming of, then the choice is simple! Join me inside The Mindset Accelerator and finally unlock the key to the success you know you are meant to achieve! 

Simply click the button below and you will be in! 

But - if you are still on the fence, wondering whether to take the leap.... maybe you are thinking, 

"This all sounds great, but I just don't have the money, energy, or time right now"

Here's the hard truth - you aren't making a choice at all. You are letting circumstances make a choice FOR you. And, like you already know, the 6-figure entrepreneur doesn't operate this way. These circumstances are all coming from exactly the limiting beliefs that have kept you from the success you know, deep down, you are capable of! 

Successful entrepreneurs find a way, instead of an excuse. There will always be circumstances that you can point to as to why you can't reach those goals. The question really is, do you let those circumstances dictate your future?

⭐ If you are still here, still reading, then know this - It's not by accident. 

It's because something here is resonating with you. And if you WANT to join the Mindset Accelerator, but you think you can't, then just consider that you might still be operating from those limiting beliefs (you know, the ones that have already been keeping you stuck).  

Ask yourself this: 

Am I going to be 100% responsible for my success? 

More cold, hard truth coming at ya - your success in your business is a result of only you. And if you really have that deep desire to create six-figure success, and beyond, then it's YOU who has to cause it to happen. 

And if you accept that, that YOU are responsible for your business, then the question isn't "How can I afford it", it becomes "How do I be fully responsible and MAKE it happen?"

So ....... back to the question - 

Are you going to be 100% responsible for your success? 

If you are, click the button below and get yourself into The Mindset Accelerator. If not, well, thanks for reading this far!

Join Now & Let's Do This!

Stefanie Gagne

Mom of 3 & Grandmother!

"I'm changing the words I use. Instead of "I Can't", I say I CAN and I WILL!  I've set goals and deadlines in place and I AM going to reach those goals!

The Mindset Accelerator has given me the ability to decide what I want to do! Visualizing, positive affirmations and consistency are all things I have learned. And I can go back in the content anytime and watch it again.  

Kathi believes in me - the Mindset Accelerator is phenomenal!"


The Most Common Questions!

These are the most common questions I get, but I completely get that you might have some other question! 

The below FAQ answers some of the most common questions that I get! 

But, if you STILL have a question, I'm here to help! Reach out to [email protected] or click that little bubble in the bottom right corner of the screen to start a Live Chat session! 

Pay in Full and Save!


Most Popular Option!

  • The tools, techniques, and methods YOU can use to master your MINDSET!
  • LIFETIME Access to the Mindset Accelerator course
  • Access to all future content and updates
  • INSTANT ACCESS to our exclusive Mindset Accelerator Facebook Group!
  • 60+ Page Workbook
  • Monthly Group Hot Seat / Q&A Sessions where you can bring your specific questions
  • Most Popular Option


$187/ 6 Months

Get Started Today!

  • The tools, techniques, and methods YOU can use to master your MINDSET!
  • LIFETIME Access to the Mindset Accelerator course
  • Access to all future content and updates
  • INSTANT ACCESS to our exclusive Mindset Accelerator Facebook Group!
  • 60+ Page Workbook
  • Monthly Group Hot Seat / Q&A Sessions where you can bring your specific questions
  • Flexible Payment Option



Supercharge your Results!

⭐ VIP UPGRADE: (6) 1-on-1 Sessions (min 1 Hr) with Kathi
 Limited to 5 
  • The tools, techniques, and methods YOU can use to master your MINDSET!
  • LIFETIME Access to the Mindset Accelerator course
  • Access to all future content and updates
  • INSTANT ACCESS to our exclusive Mindset Accelerator Facebook Group!
  • 60+ Page Workbook
  • Monthly Group Hot Seat / Q&A Sessions where you can bring your specific questions
  • Accelerated Results! 
 Flexible Payment Options available starting as low as $101!









"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."